Battle without End Wiki

Battle is the one of the main part of the BwE. Battle involes the attack party (refer as attacker below) and the defend party (refer as defender below). The result invole the calculation of both party's stats including attacker's attack(att), attacker's protection ignore(prot_ign), defender's defend(def), defender's protection(prot), defender's protection reduce(prot_reduce) attacker's critical chance(crit), attacker's critical mutiplication(crit_mult), defender's hit point(hp).

Formula related to battle[]

prot_reduce refer to protection reduced by Corrosive Shot which could only be considered in player attack monster. Protection after ignore(p=prot-prot_ign-prot_reduce) to actual damage reduction percentage: actual_dmg_reduction: if p>=0: 0.06*p/(1+0.06*p), if p< -100: -1, else: -(1-0.94^(-p))[1]

For example for a protection 16, we have around 50% reduction, a protection 150, we have around 90% reduction.

Critical chance to actual critical chance: actual_crit = max(min(crit-(prot-prot_reduce)*2, 50), 0) out of 100

If a dice roll is smaller than the value of the chance (out of 100), crit_mult will be multiply to attack and divided by 100.

For example, for a critical chance of 150 and multiple of 250, protection is 70, we have 0.1 chance to be critical hit and critical hit will have 2.5 times of the original attack.

Damage deal to the defender: hp_loss = max((att * {1 if no crit, crit_mult/100 if crit} - def) * (1 - actual_dmg_recution), 1)

During the battle[]

First it will check the status or skill of the attacker and defender. If taunt, freeze appear, it will be calculated first.

Player, pet and monster take turns to attack,

Player attack monster, pet attack monster, monster attack player or pet (half half chance if no taunt)

hp will loss according to the formula above and when one's die, it cannot participant in later battle and therefore will not be targetted.

If player die before monster die, the battle will end with player loss without gaining any exp,money or drops.

If monster die before player die, the battle will end with player win and get exp, money and drops based on difficult of the map, monster battle power to player's battle power ratio and player's luck.
